Wednesday 27 May 2020

Book Review: Ruth Ware - The Turn of the Key (published in 2019)

I waited for a long time to pick up a book by Ruth Ware. I always liked her premises. That of The Woman in Cabin 10 sounded fantastic for example. It's only when she started writing gothic books, that my interest was really peaked. This is the first book I decided to read by her. 

I will read more books by her in the future, but I wasn't as enthralled by the story as I thought I would be. I've seen other book reviewers say that the first part of the book was 5 stars. It was the same for me. The last 30 pages get 1 star though. 

The book is deliciously atmospheric. It takes places in Scotland, which is the best setting for gothic books. Rowan takes the post as an in-house nanny for a family with four kids. The only catch is the incredibly high salary and the fact that 4 nannies previously left. 

She has a hard time in the house with the kids, who seem to be tired of nanny rotations. However, every time she goes to sleep she hears something more uncanny. Something which is keeping her awake. 

The book has been written well. The house is part old, part new and incredibly modern. Outfitted with cameras and a full sounds system. It wasn't utilised as well as it could have been. 

Toward the end we get twists and turns. One was uncovered (I think through a mistake) very early on. I mean... It's not the biggest reveal, but I think it was meant to be? 

Then there are storylines that are introduced quickly while we're shoved towards the conclusion of the novel. It was good, it wasn't all that it could've been though. I will read more books by her, but if they end the same way this one did it's not for me unfortunately because I love gothic books!

3 stars

Date read: April 4, 2020
Date published: August 6, 2019
Publisher: Random House
Format: Paperback
Pages: 343
Genre: Mystery/Thriller/Horror
My Number of Books Read by this Author: 1

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