Wednesday 27 May 2020

Book Review: Mascha Feoktistova & Max de Vries - Je doet het toch wel gratis? (published in 2019)

I like to mix my fiction & non-fiction up a bit. I'm hoping to learn things from both categories of books. 

I've followed Mascha's vlogs for years, and I thought I would learn something from her book and from the strategies she employs to run a succesful business. She managed to bring her brand to the next level, every time a new trend enters the market. 

Unfortunately, the book does not do this. It remains a bit too high-level for my liking. Even I understood the concept quite fast, even though I'm not a marketeer. It's an interesting read, but it didn't teach me anything new. 

I won't comment on all the language errors & spellings errors because I think a lot of people have done that. Just know that when you pick it up now, it still contains them. I'm sure in future versions, these will all be removed.

2 stars

Date read: April 12, 2020
Date published: November 7, 2020
Publisher: Bertram + de Leeuw Uitgevers
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 183
Genre: Non Fiction
My Number of Books Read by this Author: 1

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