Sunday 10 July 2011

12. Stephen King - Under the Dome

Wow... I'm still completely silenced by the fact that firstly I managed to read this humongous book in one week (877 pages) and secondly by the epic quality of it all. Stephen King started writing Under the Dome almost thirty years ago, but last year he finally managed to finish it. A lot of hard work has gone into writing this novel and it shows. 

This is literally a novel with an epic scope. It's about a tiny village which is suddenly covered by a big invisible dome and the effects it has on the inhabitants. It doesn't help the situation that the main man in the village is a idiot who is on the edge of losing all his common sense, Jim Rennie, and the fact that most of the town are set to follow him in every stupid decision he makes. And it really doesn't help that the town's temporary visitor who after a fight wants to flee the town, Barbie, becomes encased by the Dome and promoted as Colonel by the people on the outside.

I must say that I thought the ending was kind of weak. But it's not about the last 10 pages. It's about the full novel and the build up to the main event. And King has done that in a very King-esque manner.  

I know most people will wait for the mini series to come out. And I'm certain it will be good, but please try to read this book. It's a sensational read and it really doesn't stop anywhere it just keeps going with a "foot on gas narrative" as the Washington Post calls it. Just be aware that you shouldn't be eating anywhere near the book, lots of scenes are really gory. In the way that only Stephen King can do it. 

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