Sunday 14 February 2021

Book Review: Jess Walter - The Cold Millions (published in 2020)


It's definitely me and not you, THE COLD MILLIONS. 

I didn't know what it was about this novel that didn't pull me in, until I read the acknowledgements in the back. Jess Walter thanks Anthony Doerr (author of ALL THE LIGHTS WHEN CANNOT SEE for his tips and feedback on the book. That's when it clicked, the issues I had with his book were the same I had with Walter's. 

Everything about the story is actually potentially really good. The characters, the political plot, the setting in 1900's USA, even the harsh story and no non-sense killings and deaths are all potentially fantastic. I keep saying potentially, because it just didn't work for me. 

I think this book will receive rave reviews. People will fall in love with the Dolan brothers, especially little Rye has a lot going for him. People will enjoy the political plot where a young woman is trying to rally the workers together to ask for better conditions on the work floor and more equality in life. People might actually read a bit of Tolstoy's WAR AND PEACE in the pages of this book. 

The baddies in the form of police and "nobility" have their own struggles. No one can be blamed for how things unfold or everyone can be blamed. It's up to you. 

I'm giving this book 2.5 stars, because I recognise good writing when I see it. I wish I had put the novel down halfway because it didn't work for me, but that's just me. 

My tip: if you enjoyed books like the aforementioned ALL THE LIGHTS WE CANNOT SEE and DAYS WITHOUT END (which I actually did enjoy) you might really enjoy this novel. 

Many thanks to the publisher Penguin General UK and Netgalley for providing me with a review copy.

2.5 stars

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