Monday 13 June 2011

Mo Hayder - Hanging Hill

I missed my deadline by one day again, but you can't blame it on me this week, my mum and her friend came to Edinburgh for the weekend. So I was busy showing them around. 

It's not because I was procrastinating reading this book. As I may have pointed out before I'm not the biggest fan of crime novels, but I have been a big fan of Mo Hayder. Ever since I read Tokyo I bought all her books the moment they came out. Even if they were only available in hard cover. I did the same with Hanging Hill this year. However, I'm sad to say that for the first time in a long long time, she has disappointed me. 

Firstly, by not  writing another Jack Caffery novel, since I want to know how he is doing after Gone. And secondly, by not making this book interesting or surprising in the slightest. Tokyo wasn't a Caffery novel but it packed a punch. This novel does not overwhelm you at all. If anything, it's boring. The story of the two sisters who grew apart due to an incident (which is never really clarified), never really appeals to me. It's almost as if Hayder as made writing about solitary characters her trait, but when she has to write about familial situation, she fails. It's a pity, because this means I'll probably have to wait another year for a new book. Please let it be another Caffery novel then, because I don't particularly enjoy these deviations. Thank you.

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