Thursday 18 October 2012

71. Deborah Levy - Swimming Home

A few days late and all I can say about this Man Booker Shortlisted novel called Swimming Home by Deborah Levy is that it's not my style at all. I think I stopped paying attention from page 5.

It's about a girl who is found floating in the pool of a group of people vacationing in France. They take this strange girl in their house and she destroys the whole family dynamic, or actually she brings on the destruction that seems to have been pending for a long time.

I'm not so sure about this description, because I really did faze out when I read it. When pages go on like the below, you've lost me. Not a success in my opinion and I'm happy this book didn't win.
A woman with a helmet of permed hennaed hair stopped her to ask if she knew the way to Rue Francois Aune. The lenses of her big sunglasses were smeared with what looked like dried milk. She spoke in English with an accent that Isabel thought might be Russian. The woman pointed a finger laden with rings at a mechanic in oily navy overalls, lying under a motorbike, as if to suggest Isabel ask him for directions on her behalf." (Levy 28)

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