Monday 18 June 2012

61. Roald Dahl - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

I have never read Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but I have watched about a hundred film adaptations, maybe even some TV series. The story is nothing surprising really and I don't think I should tell you exactly what it's about.

I feel that there is one important difference between the films and the book, however. Namely, in the book Grandfather Joe and Charlie do not break the rules by flying around in the bubble chamber. The director clearly felt that Charlie and the Grandfather could not be portrayed as too perfect, because this might dumben the story down a bit. In the case of the book that isn't much of a problem, because it's clearly aimed for young children. The films, however, try to reach a wider audience.

I have to say though, of all the Roald Dahl fillers I've read, this one was the best. It had a more adult feel to it. Nice book if you have an hour to spare and you don't want to read a full length novel.

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