Monday 12 September 2011

21. Kate Morton - The Distant Hours

I’m so happy I finally managed to finish The Distant Hours by Kate Morton.What an incredible feat! It isn’t the longest book I’ve read for this challenge, but it took me the longest amount of time. 2.5 weeks to be exact.

I can’t describe how dull this book is. Of course, it is just my personal opinion, but it would have enough to quickly describe the events in a short novel. The ending would then actually be spectacular. Now, I was too bored to death to remember what happens at the end, which I’ve only just read 10 minutes ago.

No, I’m kidding I do remember, but believe me when I say; Don’t touch this book. It is truly truly too long! In any case I need to give a short description, which is surprisingly easy for a book that’s 600 pages. It’s about a woman Edie Burchill who decides to snoop into her mum’s life when the latter receives a message from the past. When Meredith Burchill was a young girl the Second World War was raging and her parents decided to send her to the countryside in the hopes that it would be safer than London. She ends up with the Blythe sisters; Juniper, Saffy and Percy in the majestic Milderhurst Castle.

Sixty years later Meredith does not want to tell her daughter Edie anything about the events that took place during that time and she takes matters into her own hands fuelled by the novel written by the sisters’ father: The True History of the Mud Man.

I liked the ending, say the last thirty pages of the book, but the way it works up to that ending is far too tedious. Like I said before I would not recommend this book to anyone, and I’m happy it’s over and done with and I can finally start with a new book!

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