Monday 30 May 2011

Stieg Larsson - The Girl Who Played With Fire

This week's book was a real feat, it is the first time in this challenge that I've attempted to read a book that's 600 pages long. As you can see, I have failed. It's Monday and I'm too late writing the short report, but I have finished the book and I can't wait to get home from Liverpool and find the third novel in this trilogy on the door mat. 

After reading the first book The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo I wasn't too keen to continue reading the other ones. That's why I kept Stieg Larsson's - The Girl Who Played With Fire untouched on my book shelf for over a year. I was not impressed by Larsson story-telling skills in the first book and the way he describes the characters and the ever changing narrative really put me off. In this next novel, however, we already know most of the characters and the narrative is less awkward and jumpy. Larsson does not have to explain in tiring detail what is going through Salander's head, because we remember from the first book. I don't know how he did it, but unknowingly I remembered a lot of details from the first book and the characters stuck with me even after reading countless books and watching numerous films in between these novels. 

At most times I really could not put the book down, because the story is told from so many point-of-views, that every time you finish a passage you want to continue on to see what happened to the other characters. I will write a more extensive blog when I have finished the last book. Since this novel has an open ending, I feel that I would not do it justice by going in too much detail about the story. And who knows... Maybe Larsson will fail to impress me in the last one of his magnus opus.

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