Sunday 6 September 2020

Book Review: Kate Bulpitt - Purple People (published in 2020)


I didn't know the author, the publisher and I had never heard of the book before, but I read the synopsis and I was sold. The government in Britain has a great new idea to tackle spiralling levels of crime and anti-social behaviour. The offenders will be dyed purple. 


When investigative wacky news journalist Eve Baxter hears about this scheme she rushes back home to find out more about this plot. However much fun it sounds, it actually has a big impact on those tainted by it. 


While the nation becomes more and more divided on the subject, Eve tries to uncover what it is that turns people purple in the first place. 


The way the synopsis is written made it sound like a fun read, and fun it is! Bulpitt uses a slightly sarcastic tone throughout the novel, which makes for fun dialogues. I can't say I was completely at the edge of my seat to find out what happens to people and why, but it was a good read nevertheless. 


I definitely hope that our governments don't use this kind of scheme to tackle anti-social behaviour because it sounds absolutely terrible :-) It's a great book by first time author Kate Bulpitt. I would recommend it if you enjoy a bit of British humour in your novels. 


Many thanks to the publisher Unbound and Netgalley for providing me with a review copy!

3.5 stars


Date read: September 6, 2020

Date published: July 9, 2020

Publisher: Unbound

Format: eBook

Pages: 288

Genre: Science-Fiction

My Number of Books Read by this Author: 1




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